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ClarinsТушь для ресниц Clarins Wonder Perfect Mascara 4D Waterproof 8 мл
A mascara that adds volume, extension, rotation and splitting to the eyelashes for a 4 dimensional flawless appearance, while visibly improving the length and volume of eyelashes day after day. The more often you wear it, the more beautiful your eyelashes0 32833283RUB3283RUB

Тушь для ресниц Clarins Wonder Perfect Mascara 4D Waterproof 8 мл в Мурманске
A mascara that adds volume, extension, rotation and splitting to the eyelashes for a 4 dimensional flawless appearance, while visibly improving the length and volume of eyelashes day after day. The more often you wear it, the more beautiful your eyelashes
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